Klaslead Productions Pvt LtdKlaslead Productions Pvt LtdKlaslead Productions Pvt Ltd
Support: +91 33 35920 141
West Bengal, India 712103

Fair Usage Policy of Hosting Service

Unlimited hosting is a term used to describe a hosting service that provides unlimited resources such as disk space, bandwidth, and email accounts. However, it is important to note that unlimited does not actually mean infinite and there are still some limitations to ensure the fair usage of resources by all customers.

At Klaslead Productions Pvt. Ltd., we offer unlimited hosting with fair usage policy in place. This policy is designed to ensure that all customers have access to the resources they need while preventing abuse of the system.

Our fair usage policy is as follows:

  • Disk Space: We provide unlimited disk space to all customers, but it is intended for normal website and application use. It is not allowed to use the disk space for file storage or backups unrelated to the website or application.
  • Bandwidth: We provide unlimited bandwidth to all customers, but it is intended for normal website and application use. It is not allowed to use the bandwidth for serving large files, video streaming, or other high-resource activities.
  • Email Accounts: We provide unlimited email accounts to all customers, but it is intended for normal business or personal use. It is not allowed to use the email accounts for spamming or sending bulk emails.
  • CPU and RAM Usage: We monitor CPU and RAM usage on our servers to ensure that no single customer is using an excessive amount of resources that can affect the performance of the server. If a customer’s usage is found to be excessive, we may contact them to discuss alternative hosting solutions or limit their usage.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the hosting account of any customer who violates our fair usage policy. We also reserve the right to modify our policy at any time without prior notice. If you have any questions about our unlimited hosting fair usage policy, please contact our customer support team.

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