Klaslead Productions Pvt LtdKlaslead Productions Pvt LtdKlaslead Productions Pvt Ltd
Support: +91 33 35920 141
West Bengal, India 712103

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

At Klaslead Productions Pvt. Ltd., we use cookies to enhance the user experience of our website visitors. Cookies are small files that are placed on your device when you visit our website. They help us understand how you use our website and enable us to improve your experience.

By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy.

Types of Cookies We Use

We use both session and persistent cookies on our website. Session cookies are temporary files that are erased when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on your device until they expire or you delete them.

We also use third-party cookies, which are placed on your device by third-party service providers, such as Google Analytics. These cookies help us analyze how you use our website, which pages you visit, and how long you stay on each page. The information collected by these cookies is used to improve our website and provide a better user experience.

Managing Cookies

You can control the use of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. However, if you disable cookies, some features of our website may not function properly.

Updates to Our Cookie Policy

We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time. Any updates will be posted on this page, and the revised policy will take effect immediately upon posting.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy or how we use cookies on our website, please contact us at info@klaslead.com.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)